Chhau and Odissi dancer Ileana Citaristi has choreographed the opening quawali number in M F Hussein's film 'Meenaxi: A Tale of 3 Cities'. In the same film, Astad Deboo has choreographed the group number filmed in Prague.

Bangalore based Bharatanatyam dancer Padmini Ravi, director of Pradhan Centre for Arts, is the executive producer of the Tamil film SHRINGARA or Poetry of Love. This docu-drama revolves around the theme of Devadasis. Dancers Hamsa Moily Toshniwal and Aditi Rao star in the film. The film is set in the 1920s in Tanjore where the Devadasi system was prevalent and will be released in July 2004 with English subtitles.

On May 29, 2004, Bharatanatyam dancer S Mathevi of Gopeng, Perak, performed bare feet for 30 minutes on a floor of about 10,000 nails in Ipoh, Malaysia.

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