Are you listening? Avantika Bahl's "Say, What?"
- Sanjukta Wagh
e-mail: sanjuktawagh@gmail.com
April 29, 2017
The premiere show was performed at the Mumbai Assembly on March 25,
2017. Two actors enter a blank space. They begin a conversation. The
language is alien but the cadence and tone seem familiar. There is a
sense of urgency and they both have an agenda and what seems like two
diverse opinions. They drift apart or maybe just stop listening to each
other as they trace the peripheries of the room. The distance between
them seems to have grown. Apart from the sudden moments of what seems
like coincidental harmony, they seem to be talking to themselves. They
meet again and a more relaxed conversation happens. More playful and
tongue in cheek. It’s almost like they are playing games. Boundaries
begin to appear. How close is too close? Can you catch me? Can we, may
we, should we perhaps touch? They lounge about now allowing for silence
to seep in and then an argument. One person seems to have stopped
listening to the other trying their best to get attention by relating a
long humourous anecdote. They meet again this time really listening to
each other.
The actors, Avantika Bahl and Vishal Sarvaiyya make us read between
their lines and bring alive moments of silence replete with
meaning where communication truly happens. They tune us into our own
prejudices and preconceived notions. They constantly make us challenge
ourselves as viewers, bringing to our consciousness our own ways of
seeing. The actors engage us for a whole hour and make us listen, really
listen. In a world filled with cacophony, Avantika Bahl’s “Say, What?”
makes for an authentic theatrical experience which is as emotionally
charged as it is intellectually provoking and viscerally
Sanjukta Wagh is a Kathak dancer and founder of an initiative Beej in Mumbai exploring dance process, pedagogy and performance.