The Odissi dancer who appears in Michael Jackson's music video of 'Black or White' is Yamuna Sangarasivam from Srilanka. She was a student of Guru Gangadhar Pradhan.
Bhamaha and Dandin, who were primarily rhetoricians concerned with 'read poetry,' mention dvipadi, rasaka, skandhaka, lasya, chhalika and samya - all of these were intended to be 'seen.' These were compositions set to music and dance. Kumarila, the great Mimamsaka, speaks of dvipadi and rasaka in his Tantravarrtika, and the ehhalika or ehalikya, occurs as a dance in the Harivamsa and is mentioned by Kalidasa as being learnt by Malavika.
('Uparupakas and Nritya-Prabhandas' by Dr. V Raghavan, Nartanam, May – Aug 2008)
About six chapters in the Silapadigaaram contain substantial information on music. Out of these the Arangetra Kaadhai and the Aachiyar kuravai are very important. In the Silapadigaaram there is a clear indication that there were two traditions of music. The older tradition is the Thondrupodumarai and the newer Varamburumarabu.
('Celebrating unheard melodies' by TM Krishna, The Hindu, Dec 25, 2010)
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