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Manasa-Art Without Frontiers offers
5 Odissi choreographies
by Guru Sharon Lowen
March 15 & 16, 18 & 20
New Delhi
Manasa-Art Without Frontiers offers 5 Odissi choreographies
Manasa-Art Without frontiers offers 5 Odissi choreographies taught by Guru Sharon Lowen starting March 15 and 16
1. Mahadevi The major section of Mahadevi Upasana, 10 forms of Devi along with 5 pure dance pieces (arasas I've choreographed) in 5 different talas.
Saturdays at 4:30-5:30 pm and Sundays 5-6 pm.
Those that can attend both Saturday and Sunday will have it covered in diverse ways. Classes will be ongoing until we have completed the choreography.

2. Ashtapadi classes starting March 18 and 20
Tues 9  a.m. Lalita Lavangalata
Tues 10 a.m. Pashyati Dishi Dishi
Thurs  9 a.m. Dhira Samire
Thurs 10 a.m. Yahi Madhava
If you have been taught any of these Ashtapadis in workshops, this is your opportunity to go deeper into learning the nuances of the interpretation. Classes will be ongoing until we have completed the choreography.
Scholarships available based on need.

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