Posted by mallika on December 06, 2007 at 17:35:52:
In Reply to: Re: musings posted by Raga on December 06, 2007 at 11:36:21:
thanks for the input raga,
this thought has germinated from a discussion not so long ago in this
forum about how to create a wide rasika base. there was a lot of hue and
cry over people not paying for the job and i was a prominent voice on it.
i am still not against demanding money for performances, but when it
comes to teaching, whether one can offord or not, money should not be an
important thing. i know of atleast 2 people- one a dance teacher and the
other a classical music teacher- who do not charge a single pie. but most
of the students can afford the fees. i feel the interest in the art itself
should be important and not making bucks thru teaching the art. iam not
saying tht one should do it even its the sole bread earning job, but for
people like me, who are financially very secure, can go ahead do our bit.
again, i would still charge if one asked me to perform, but teaching..........
what do u have to say?
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