In Reply to: IFAS competition posted by roja kannan on February 15, 2006 at 03:18:13:
I do not understand why R.Kannan writes "it is not right for me to disclose the parameters on which we based our judgement in this column".
R.Kannan was not asked to disclose the judges's discussions and the marks. She was only asked to explain the paremeters.
We can only guess and hope that such parameters do not include one's caste, social status, a phone call from a VIP with the instructions to give the first prize to a certain dancer, etc.
I would like to remind everyone that not so long ago people were more
candid and sincere.
Abhinayadarpanam defines the following parameters. The dancer has to
(1) young,
(2) slender,
(3) beautiful,
(4) with large eyes,
(5) with well-rounded breasts,
(6) confident,
(7) witty,
(8) pleasing,
(9) well aware of when to dance and when to stop, able to follow the
flow of songs and music, and to dance to the time (thalam),
(10) with splendid costumes,
(11) of a happy disposition.
From one's performance we can see the ten qualities:
Javaha (Agility),
Sthirathvam (Steadiness),
Rekhacha (graceful lines),
Bhramari(balance in pirouettes),
Drishtir (glance),
Shramaha (hard work),
Medha (intelligence),
Vacho (good speech), and
Geetam (singing ability).
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