Bharata Muni provided eight avasthas (states) for a woman in love. The Ashtavidha Nayikavasthas are: Vaasakasajja (one dressed up for union), Virahotkhandita (one distressed by separation), Svaadhina-Bhartrka (one having her husband in subjection), Kalahantarita (one separated from her lover by a quarrel), Khandita (one enraged with her lover), Vipralabdha (one deceived by her lover), Prositabhartrka (one with a sojourning husband) and Abhisaarika (one who goes out to meet her lover). Rasa Manjari and others expand the concept of the Abhisarika - Jyotsnaabhisarika (one who goes in moonlight camouflaged in white and pearls), Tamisrabhisarika (one who goes out in darkness camouflaged in dark coloured clothes and blue sapphires), Divasabhisarika
(one who goes out in broad daylight) and so on. Dr. Anupama Kylash
underlined the fact that any nayika can experience any of the eight
situations. It is not an exclusive classification as is assumed by some. ('The intriguing world of Nayikas' by Rupa Srikanth, The Hindu Friday Review, May 15, 2020) |
Sringara Manjari has classified the Samanya nayika (those who are free
to accept any man without restrictions) - Swatantra (free),
Jananyadheena (under the control of the mother), Niyamita (courtesan
assigned to one person - king, zamindar, rich man), Klptanuraga (who
loves only one), Kalpitanuraga (one who pretends attachment to a man for
financial gain). - Dr. Anupama Kylash ('The intriguing world of Nayikas' by Rupa Srikanth, The Hindu Friday Review, May 15, 2020) |