Gateway to the World of Dance

Narthaki Monthly Newsletter

March 2024

Arts Commentary: The declining state of the art of Arts journalism
- Bob Abelman
Theater critics, film reviewers, A&E editors, and arts columnists have been stripped from our dailies and weeklies. Why should you care? Oscar Wilde warned that an age without criticism is "an age that possesses no art at all."

Examining the dance world's ethics
- Naomi M. Jackson
An adapted excerpt from the book 'Dance and Ethics: Moving Towards a More Humane Dance Culture,' which considers ethical issues within the field and history of Western dance.

Raama Raajyam
- V.P. Dhananjayan
After Valmiki Raamayana, Raam Rajya is a term that was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi.

The loss of Bharatanatyam music's nattuvanar origins and aesthetic
- TM Krishna
While discussions about the aesthetics of Bharatanatyam are slowly and steadily moving forward, there has been minimal conversation about the impact the side-lining of the hereditary community has had on the music in Bharatanatyam.

Sole Sisters: The cross-cultural collaboration soles of Duende offers just the kind of art we need right now
- Jennifer Heimlich
Any group develops their own lingo after spending hours together. But for three dancers working in different physical languages - kathak (Guha), flamenco (Rosales), and tap (Castro) - this shared verbal lexicon streamlines the creative process.

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