Man enough to dance
- Purnima Sharma
It has never been easy for male classical dancers, but today, more men than ever are out to prove a thing or two.
The art of dancing through fear
- Dorothy Kolomeisky
Dancing with my eyes open feels familiar, but eyes shut? That's a whole other monster.
Finding Indigenous futurism through dance
- Tovah Strong
A Santa Fe-based Native contemporary dance company makes reciprocity and community-building part of its performances.
Mee Raqsam - A daughter and son's tribute to their father, Kaifi Azmi
- Mehru Jaffer
It makes the heart happy to hear Salim the humble tailor say in Mee
Raqsam that his faith in Allah is steadfast enough to fearlessly help
his daughter realise her dream, whatever it might be.
Overcoming the COVID-19 challenge for theatres
- Khushroo N Suntook
It is disconcerting to recount how the performing arts have reached
where they have, after COVID-19, given the intimate role they have
played in my life.
Marghazi will not be the same
- Bala Shankar
We will be witnessing the first December season in many decades without live audiences.
Dance therapy goes virtual
- Anjana Rajan
Activities based on rhythm, hand gestures, props and movement help children with special needs.
BOOK REVIEWS Caste Absolves Racism: The old libel against Hindus in a new book
- Aravindan Neelakandan
'Caste: The Origins Of Our Discontent' by Isabel Wilkerson
A new book in America tries to equate the caste system of India with the
anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany and racism in the US. This review
explains why this is a dangerous development and how it can be
Desire and gender in two novels about hereditary dancers
- Sharanya Manivannan
'Devadasi' is not a term that South Indian hereditary artists were
familiar with—it is a term the British and the newly educated class of
Indians used to gloss over women who did not conform to patriarchal