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Narthaki Monthly Newsletter
June 2020
Self-transformation through arts and education
- Jayachandran Palazhy
Capacity to learn, gather information, undergo systematic training,
acquire new skills, think through concepts and ideas to imagine and
create something new and original are all qualities that human beings
are endowed with.
How the Arts transform consciousness
- Christopher Chase
Developing mastery in an art influences how we think about challenges
and see the world. Every one of us has the potential to be an artist, to
harness and express our innate wisdom and creativity.
Post-pandemic effect: The show must go home
- Madhur Gupta
In a world stricken down with uncertainty, performing arts will have to
be at the forefront, helping to mend the fences and repair the emotional
damage that humanity will undoubtedly suffer albeit online.
'Abhinaya Darpanam' in a nutshell
- Dr. Maithili Nesargi-Naik
There exists a beautiful garland of 324 pearls strung together with the
silken thread of nrutya shastra in the ancient Sanskrit literature -The
Abhinaya Darpanam.