Sad facts about Bharatanatyam dance competitions

Posted by Guha on May 01, 2007 at 08:27:57:

 In Reply to: Re: About Bharatanatyam dance competitions posted by Megha on April 30, 2007 at 16:51:44:

 Megha, I do think it is ok to have competitions for Bharatanatyam if the dancers are in the same age group (there's a huge difference between a 7 and 12 yaer olds!!!) and if the judgement is done in a clear and transparent manner. I also believe that it is ridiculous when a Kalakshetra-style person judges the adavus or abhinaya of a Vazhuvoor style dancer! Like comparing apples with oranges!

When it is a matter of politics, it is a poor sight, as was the case in the last couple of years with the senior category contestants in the district level competition conducted by Jawahar Bala Bhavan in the Government Music College in Madras.

I was astonished to hear that many judges are given instructions not to award the first prizes to any dancers from the school that got the first prize in the previous year, so as "not to discourage the participation from other schools". Good reason!!!

So far there is too much politics involved.


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