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We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it as not as dreadful as it appears, discovering that we have the strength to stare it down.
- Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady, USA

Anita R Ratnam

At the end of a tumultuous year, when we are staring into several conflicts and possible further escalations, we pause to take stock of our lives and our journey in the dance arts. This is the final edition of ANITA SAYS for the year 2024.

As we continue to wonder at the speed of passing time and the urgency and purpose of our lives, I would like to share my views and reactions to four performances I have watched in four cities over the 30 days of November. In New York City, Coimbatore and Chennai. Varied in content, purpose and intentions, these dance events have thrown up further questions about reinvention, re-purposing and revival. I will discuss each of these performances and add my personal take. These opinions are mine and mine alone and I hope that it is received in the spirit of someone who has been engaged in the performing arts scene for 6 decades.

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Anita Dr. Anita R Ratnam

Anita Ratnam


Challenges in procuring public art grants for art and culture programmes
- Leela Venkataraman
It was a lively discussion on challenges people face in procuring public art grants for promotion of art and culture, at the Habitat Gulmohar Hall, for the Shanta Serbjeet Singh Memorial Art Appreciation lecture of the month, sponsored by Legends of India.

Outdancing our exceptional times
- Dr. Utpal K Banerjee
Having spent a life span of 86 years, this critic has seen two tumultuous times: one around 1947, the year of Independence and the few preceding years of nationalist movement. The other is right now in 2020, around an incomprehensible pandemic round the entire globe.

Anupama Kylash: Dec 1
Kalamandalam Suganthi: Dec 2
Kavitha Ramu: Dec 5
Bimbavati Devi: Dec 6
Anwesa Mahanta: Dec 16
Sailaja Nrithya: Dec 22
Ratikant Mohapatra: Dec 24
Surya Rao: Dec 25
Himanshu Srivastava: Dec 29
Rhadha - Dec 31

For dance to continue to grow its audience and really survive, it can’t become so myopic that performances are just for the dance community.
- Dana Tai Soon Burgess
(‘New creative possibilities between museums and dance artists’ by Rachel Rizzuto, Dance Magazine, Nov 11, 2024)

Dancing girls, Srirangam temple ; Photo: Jeetendra Hirschfeld
Dancing girls, Srirangam temple
Photo: Jeetendra Hirschfeld

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