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No one leaves here alive.
So please stop treating yourself as an afterthought
Eat delicious food
Walk in the sun
Jump into the sea
Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like a hidden treasure
Be silly. Be good. Be weird
There is no time for anything else
- British film actor Anthony Hopkins

Wise words. Very few of us have the courage to follow through on every one of his prompts but we can keep this mantra in our hearts as we breathe through our days and pursue our goals.

Rape case protest
Rape case protest
(Rupak De Chowdhuri / NurPhoto via AP)

As I write this editorial, many cities in India are still protesting and holding candlelight vigils as a response to the horrific attack on the medical trainee at RG KAR hospital in Kolkata on August 9. The soul-numbing rape-murder occurred in the middle of the night when the 31 year old was resting in the hospital's seminar hall. The incident has since turned political and updates and revelations are emerging every day.

Read on....

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Anita Ratnam


Sarpam Thullal, a mystical dance, an experience
- Padma Jayaraj
As India celebrates Diwali, central Kerala revives a folk ritual practice in the Malayalam month of Thulam. Serpent worship used to be part of folk religion in this tropical land.

Andhranatyam: History and Revival
- Kalakrishna
As we know the dance traditions in India are categorised under Natya mela and Nattuva mela traditions. Andhranatyam belongs to the Nattuva mela tradition. The ancient classical dance form of Telugu region (Telangana, Rayalaseema and Andhra), has been in vogue for the past 2000 years.

Shovana Narayan: Sept 2
Jayakamala Pandiyan: Sept 5
Kumkum Mohanty: Sept 10
Bharat Sharma: Sept 13
Rajika Puri: Sept 14
Alarmel Valli: Sept 14
Vanashree Rao: Sept 16
Kasi Aysola: Sept 23
Jhelum Paranjape: Sept 24
Ananda Shankar Jayant: Sept 27
Dr. Utpal K Banerjee: Sept 27
Meera Sreenarayanan: Sept 29
Indira Kadambi: Sept 30

I think every single one of us is a dancer because dance is movement, and everyone is moving in a different way.
- Natalya Ashikhmina
(‘Louisville dancer reflects on her 18-year run with the ballet’, YouTube)
Konark Sun Temple, Odisha ; Photo: Lalitha Venkat
Konark Sun Temple, Odisha
Photo: Lalitha Venkat

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