The first European play ever written on devadasis was Antoine-Marin Lemierre's La Veuve du Malabar (1770); the first European opera on devadasis was Charles-Simon Catel's Les Bayaderes (1810); and the first Western ballet centered around an Indian temple dancer was Le Dieu et la Bayadere, with music by Daniel Auber (1830). Each of these emerged from France. (‘1838: South Indian Dancers Tour Europe,’ Dr. Kusum Pant Joshi, Hinduism Today, Jan - March 2009) |
Jain texts list 72 kalas or arts grouped under 13 heads, one of which
embraces natta - dancing, giya - singing, vaiya - instrumental music and
pukkharagaya - drumming. The Rayapaseniya, a classical work in the form
of a dialogue between King Paesi and a monk Kesikumara, describes the
32 kinds of dance and dance drama quite unknown to classical Sanskrit
literature in the field. (‘Traditions of Indian classical dance,’ Mohan Khokar, chapter ‘Down the centuries’) |