"Kutrala Kuravanji," was the first dance-drama choreographed by Rukmini Devi Arundale, based on the work by Thirikuta Rasappa Kavirayar and set to music by Veena Krishnamachariar. At the 1944 premiere, Rukmini Devi played the heroine Vasantavalli. |
Though the Chennai December season is attributed to the Music Academy, the oldest sabha in the history of Chennai is the Parthasarathy Sawmi Sabha which was set up in 1896. It was originally called Sangeetha Vidwat Sabha. It was started mainly to host bhajan and harikatha concerts. |
Famous for his padams, the 17th century composer Sarangapani was a poet and expert in Natya Sastra. Nearly 200 of his padams are available in ancient fibrous paper and are mostly devotional in nature, dedicated to lord Krishna. |